Rust - Basic Survival Guide

rust bag

Gather Resources and Establish Your Base: 
Gathering resources like wood, stone, and food is crucial to survival. Use these resources to establish a solid base that's difficult to access. Make sure your base is secure before logging off by upgrading walls, securing doors, and hiding resources.

Equip Yourself and Avoid Conflict: 
Craft weapons as soon as you have the resources to protect yourself. However, avoid unnecessary conflicts. If it's possible to avoid a fight and run away, choose that option. Survival is the goal, not winning every battle.

Understand the Environment:
Learn the map thoroughly, know where resources are, the locations of landmarks, and the territories of potentially hostile players. This knowledge can provide you with a strategic advantage. Also, always carry essentials like food, water, and basic crafting materials with you.

Stay Stealthy and Use Teamwork: 
Use the environment for cover, and try not to draw attention to yourself. Additionally, remember there's strength in numbers. Teaming up with other players can provide safety and increase your efficiency in resource gathering. But always be cautious about who you trust.

Stay Resilient and Patient: 
Understand that Rust is unforgiving. You will face setbacks, including deaths and raids. Maintain resilience, learn from your experiences, and remember that your skills and knowledge of the game will improve, leading to better survival chances.